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Interpreter's working skill

What Kind of Education and Skills Simultaneous Interpreters Should Have?

Considering how complex and challenging professional simultaneous interpretation is, this is not a “learn it at home” profession. To be fair, some simultaneous interpreters trained themselves and acquired the skill...

5 Useful Tips When working with a Face-to-Face Interpreter

As a distinct profession in the modern world, oral language interpretation has a well-established place in the fields of diplomacy, business, healthcare and international conferencing. When...
Translation work

Everything You Must Know About Cultural Translation

While most people are not cognizant of the precise meaning of cultural translation, it is still an extremely popular concept. Meant to represent such...
Legal translation

6 Skills All Legal Translators Need

Legal translation is fast becoming a necessity in today’s world. There are more people today that need legal service in foreign countries. From immigration...
Good interpreter

What are the qualities of good interpreter?

The six key qualities of a good interpreter Be an extremely good listener. …Have excellent sensory, motor and cognitive skills. …Have an extensive vocabulary of...